Snoring Specialist in Montreal and Quebe

Stop Snoring, Sleep Better: Our Snoring Specialist in Montreal Can Help!

Do you often hear your partner, child, or a loved one complain about your loud snoring during the night? Has your snoring made you the butt of jokes or laughing stock amongst family members, friends, or colleagues?

Loud snoring during sleep is not only detrimental to your own health and a good night’s sleep, but it can also disrupt the sleep of your loved ones. Besides restoring the peace in your home, it is important to address a chronic snoring problem as it may be a sign of other underlying health concerns that could go undiagnosed or untreated. If your loud snoring is accompanied by excessive daytime fatigue or forgetfulness, you may be suffering from sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing – a partial or complete obstruction of the airway that can cause decreased breathing or pauses in breathing while you sleep.

Snoring Specialists in Montreal can help you and yours enjoy a good night’s sleep

At GRS Médical, our snoring specialists in Montreal & throughout Quebec have years of experience in solutions that can stop snoring and help you and yours enjoy a good night’s sleep. Our sleep clinic in Montreal works with patients to diagnose and treat sleep apnea or snoring through simple diagnostic tests that can even be taken from the comfort of your home. We are also the official distributor for a number of sleep solution products from leading brands across the world.

Schedule a consultation with our highly accredited snoring specialist in Montreal & Throughout Quebec.


The probability that people with the following diseases suffer from sleep apnea is:


hypertension, refractory to medication




type 2 diabetes

Snoring Does Not Necessarily Mean Sleep Apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea do not always go hand-in-hand. Snoring, also known as ronchopathy can be an isolated phenomenon not connected to sleep apnea. Essentially, while inhaling during sleep, the palate and uvula tissues vibrate as air passes through, causing the loud sounds, that we describe as snoring.

Generally, to sleep well, the ambient noise should not exceed 30 decibels. Hence, snoring that is below 40 decibels can still qualify as mild or light, while 41 – 59 decibels is moderate snoring, 60 – 69 decibels is moderately severe snoring, and 70 decibels or above is termed as severe snoring.

Snoring can occur due to nasal congestion, weight gain, pregnancy, polyps in the nasal passages, ageing related snagging tissue, or even due to alcohol consumption.

So, when should you seek snoring treatment or see a snoring specialist near you? If you experience extreme fatigue during the day, or the snoring starts to impact the quality of life of others around you, it is time to visit our snoring clinic in Montreal. We can help you with an accurate diagnosis and proven sleep treatments and solutions that help you enjoy a good night’s sleep. At GRS Médical, your sleep quality is our number one priority.

ARE YOU AT RISK for Sleep Apnea?


CPAP Machine: Treatment of Choice for Sleep Disorder Breathing in Montreal and Quebec
  • The snoring goes away
  • Patients regain restful sleep
  • The quality of life improves
  • The risk of heart disease, work accident or road accident is greatly reduced under treatment
  • A boost of energy

Spirometry Test

Get accurate diagnosis and treatment for COPD and any asthma related issues by undergoing a spirometry test at GRS Medical.

Sleep Apnea

Find out if you are suffering from sleep apnea. We offer polysomnography or respiratory polygraphy sleep tests that you can take in the comfort of your home.

CPAP Machine

The treatment of choice for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), CPAP machines can transform the way you breathe, sleep and live.

Cardiac Monitoring

A compact, discreet and exceptionally comfortable heart monitor that will keep you active throughout the day.


ABPM offers a more accurate and complete assessment of your blood pressure patterns over a 24-hour period.

Clients Testimonials

Je suis une femme de 47 ans, avec un poids santé et je ne ronfle pas ! J’ai observé dans les dernières années une baisse d’énergie qui s’intensifiait, des douleurs aux articulations, une digestion lente et des nuits non réparatrices. Je me réveillais la nuit de plus en plus, j’avais des sueurs, des périodes d’insomnie, dès le réveil j’étais fatiguée, je bâillais, j’avais des difficultés de concentration et des intenses envies de dormir au cours de la journée. Enfin, je pensais être en dépression ou malade, mais chez mon médecin tous mes examens étaient toujours normal. Jusqu’à ce que je fasse un test du sommeil qui démontrait que mes voies respiratoires s’obstruaient pendant mon sommeil et ce, plusieurs fois à l’heure ce qui nuisait à ma qualité de vie et aussi avait un impact négatif sur ma santé. Maintenant, grâce à mon CPAP, je dors, je rêve, mes journées sont agréables, la fatigue à disparue, j’ai de l’énergie et je me réveille en pleine forme. Merci beaucoup à Groupe Relève Santé !

Chantal Daigneault

Diagnostiqué depuis plus de 3 ans chez Groupe Relève Santé, ma qualité de vie a complètement changé avec la thérapie CPAP. Une équipe de professionnelle qui ont su me guider et m’accompagner tout au long du processus. Je les recommandes sans hésitation.

Michel Brisson

Avec le Groupe Relève Santé, vous allez avoir accès à un service personnalisé, accessible et professionnel pour répondre à vos besoins concernant l’apnée du sommeil. Je les réfère en toute confiance.

Christine Lafontaine

100% satisfait chez Groupe Relève Santé, j’ai retrouvé la santé! Des professionnels à l’écoute avec une approche personalisée. À la hauteur de mes attentes…

Marc Lapointe

Service plein de compétences professionnelles avec une grande disponibilité et de bons conseils. Merci!

Michelle Létourneau